Easy Chocolate-Covered Pretzel Recipe
By: Highlights Editorial
Kids can experiment with their favorite toppings to create these simple but festive treats for snacking or sharing. Wrapped in cellophane with a colorful ribbon, chocolate-dipped pretzels also make a great homemade gift.
What You'll Need
What to Do
Cover a cookie sheet with waxed paper.
Mix the chocolate chips and oil in a microwave-safe bowl. Microwave the mixture on medium (50%) for 30 seconds.
Remove and stir with a rubber spatula. If chips aren’t melted, microwave for 15 seconds more and stir again. Repeat until chocolate is melted and smooth.
Dip each pretzel into the chocolate (or spread the chocolate on with a spatula), letting the extra drip off. Place the dipped pretzels on the cookie sheet.
Sprinkle on nuts, candies, sprinkles or sugars or decorate with icing. Refrigerate pretzels for about 15 minutes to set chocolate. Store in an airtight container.
Extend the Fun
Younger kids: Help your child set a timer to count down the 15 minutes the pretzels are in the fridge. Explain that the timer will count down and that, when the timer rings, 15 minutes have passed and the pretzels are ready. Together, count backward from 15 a few times.
Older kids: Ask your child to pick one or two people to give some dipped pretzels to as a present. It might be a teacher, neighbor, friend or relative. Help your child figure out what they’ll need to give this gift (like a plastic baggie or cellophane bag, ribbon, a to-and-from tag or a card). Encourage your child to personalize the card with a drawing or special note.
The Kindness Baking Kit comes with all the dry ingredients you need to make delicious cookies as a fun way to spend time together, welcome new neighbors or cheer up a friend.