How to Make Holiday Collage Cards
By: Highlights Editorial
Looking for a way to unwind? Sit down with the whole family to make holiday collage cards for a no-stress afternoon or weekend activity. These cut-and-paste greetings take their cue from stained glass or mosaics. Whoever receives one is sure to show it off in a prominent place on the mantel or sideboard!
This card-making craft gives all ages a chance to show off their special talents. Some kids are great at ripping out magazine pages, others like the close work of cutting the pages into pieces, and even the youngest children can sort the colors into separate piles. Then they can fill in the picture on their card with the colored-paper pieces, and watch the images appear.
Tip: Use your Highlights magazines as good source for colorful pictures!
What You'll Need
What to Do
To make a card, fold a piece of cardstock in half. Draw a simple design or picture on the front.
Look through old magazines with your child and have them cut pages into little pieces. Sort them by color.
Glue the pieces into the picture.
Write a message inside.
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