How to Make Homemade Face Paint
By: Highlights Editorial
There’s something magical about face paint. With the stroke of a brush and a simple idea, your child is transformed! While your child will love how quickly the change happens, you’ll love that you know where this paint came from: home.
What You'll Need
What to Do
Combine 3 teaspoons of cornstarch with 1½ teaspoons of water in a small container.
Stir in 1½ teaspoons of cold cream. If the mixture is too soupy, add a little more cornstarch.
Stir in a few drops of natural food color. Use a different container for each color, and don’t forget to close the lid tightly after each use.
Apply the face paint with your finger or a cotton swab.
Extend the fun
Younger kids: Young kids will love the feel of the paint on their faces. And there’s a good chance that they may experiment with putting the paint on their arms, hands,or feet. That may not be your preference but let them explore what it feels like to paint the soles of their feet or to become a purple monster. It’s a great sensory art activity. The paints are washable and will come out after a quick rinse. You may want to consider doing this activity in the kitchen or outdoors, though.
Older kids: Face paint helps kids transform into the animal or object of their choice. Help your child do some research to figure out what animal they want drawn on their face. Together, pick out and mix the colors you’ll need. Your child may want you to do the face painting or maybe do it independently with the help of a mirror. (Bonus: That will help build your child’s perspective and hand-eye coordination!)