Gallant Kids: Printable Guide For Kids to Make a Difference
Do you want to help others but aren’t sure where to start? Our Gallant Kid printable is here to help!
Do you want to help others but aren’t sure where to start? Our Gallant Kid printable is here to help!
A first grade assignment encouraging students to write about something they knew well sparked a literary career for Nia Mya Reese.
The internet was made for posts about cats and kids. But it’s also a massive network storing information about all of us, including kids. How should we think about kids’ privacy online?
Kids love Halloween! Scary stuff can be so fun . . . or it can ruin bedtime.
Peyton Anderson, a 10-year-old from Wisconsin, is a champion in and out of the water. When she’s not training for elite swimming competitions, she’s dedicating her time to helping homeless children in Wisconsin and California.
Our award-winning magazines for kids deliver a monthly dose of encouragement, keeping kids of every age inspired and challenged. Help them learn and grow with kids magazines from Highlights!
In 2017, Darius Brown watched the coverage of hurricanes Harvey and Irma and noticed that so many dogs needed help. The disasters displaced the pups, and the dogs overwhelmed animal shelters.
What do you get when you combine sports, creativity and cool? Parkour is a trendy, new way to bring out the best in your kids.
Caring for children is a busy job and we could all use little rest and renewal with some stress-relief activities. Even kids could use a little wind-down time every now and again. But downshifting doesn’t mean that enjoying family and making memories together have to stop.
The magic of the holidays is here! Or it will be, as soon as you can somehow magically summon up ideas for yet. another. list. of gifts for kids.
When your kids are looking for something new to do, introduce them to these high-spirited, old-school outdoor games you played as a kid. Warning: you may not see them for hours! Try these all-time outdoor game faves to keep your kids happy, busy and active.
In this Dear Highlights podcast, Christine French Cully, Highlights Editor-in-Chief, and Hillary Bates, Director of Purpose and Impact, talk with Dr.
With the 2024 election quickly approaching, politics is likely top of mind for most of us right now.
In this “Dear Highlights” podcast, as the war in Ukraine is at the front of many kids’ minds, Editor-in-Chief Christine French Cully and Hillary Bates, Director of Purpose and Impact, talk with Amanda Morgan from Save the Children.
When my son Mickey was in second or third grade, a favorite book of his (and mine) was Roald Dahl’s Revolting Recipes, a cookbook with instructions for making Lickable Wallpaper, Stink Bugs’ Eggs and Peppermint Pencil Erasers.
We don’t have to tell parents of preschoolers that little kids are B-U-S-Y. And while we can’t blame little ones for excitedly exploring the amazing things our world has to offer, this enthusiasm can often be exhausting for us grown-ups.
The flowers are blooming, the sun is shining and the snow boots (hopefully) have seen their last wear of the season. Hurrah for spring!
Highlights has you covered when it comes to New Year’s Eve ideas for children, from games and treats to crafts and STEM projects. Even if the kids don’t make it to midnight, they will have a blast with these kid-friendly New Year’s Eve activities for families.
Got a kid’s bash to plan or a rare day with nothing on the agenda? Vintage games offer little ones a welcome break from apps and videos. Introduce your kids to one or two of these old-time favorites—but eventually show ‘em all.
Here are simple ways to boost kids’ interest in food, desire for adventure and appreciation for what goes on in the kitchen.
When experts talk about executive function, they’re referring to the set of mental abilities that are essential to kids learning at home and in school. Children aren’t born with these mental abilities, but they are pre-wired to develop them.
A car ride with kids can be either the best of times or the worst of times.
These 5 tips will help you feel at ease when cooking with kids, while also helping your child feel at ease shopping for and chopping veggies, measuring ingredients and helping you cook and serve dinner.
Gratitude is the appreciation of good things in our lives and in the world, accompanied by a sense of thankfulness and a desire to express it. Nurturing gratitude helps children develop empathy, resilience, and a positive outlook—skills that benefit them throughout life.
Raising children to be empathetic and kind toward other people — beyond just friends and family members — can feel like a daunting job for many parents.
Got a kid who thinks the grass is always greener in their best friend’s yard? Here's how to help.
Chances are, you’ve got at least one favorite food-based memory from childhood: biting into a freshly baked cookie, slurping a treat from the ice cream truck or going to Grandma’s house for her famous roast chicken.
Easter is just a hop away — so let’s think outside the basket for Easter crafts and games that the whole family will love to play! After the Easter egg hunting ends, there is still plenty of fun to be had with these screen-free activities on Easter Sunday.
Whether you have an hour or a day to devote to getting outside, fresh air and outdoor adventures can lift your whole family’s mood. Entice your kids with fun outdoor activities tied to other interests and they’ll soon be reaping the rewards of muscle-building, stress-relieving, fresh-air fun.
Break out your scissors, glue sticks, and googly eyes! Here’s a list of 31 arts and crafts for kids to make with just a little help from you. Inspired by the Highlights Book of Things to Do!
A curious child is one who loves to learn and relishes the chance to expand their horizons. Here are 11 ways to imbue your child with curiosity.
It’s time to welcome back spring and its flowers, warmer weather and sunshine. It’s also the perfect opportunity to find new spring activities that will get you and your kids outside and off those screens!
As November approaches and election conversations surround us, conversations about politics can be intense. Children are not immune. Kids sometimes write to Highlights to ask for advice about navigating political disagreements with their friends.
Children gain confidence and a sense of meaning when they’re responsible for walking a dog, setting the table, cooking dinner and other daily jobs. When children help with the work of the household, they develop a belief in themselves as capable and effective.
For parents, few school-related things are as painful as seeing your child excluded. You worry that being left out could lead to emotional problems and other consequences down the road. Although you can’t outlaw cliques, there are moves to make to help your child cope.
Even if you, as a child, weren’t taught to “look for the helpers” in times of trouble, you probably have encouraged your own children to do so.
If your kid is captivated by dinosaurs, you likely already know the differences between an Allosaurus and a Diplodocus, and have hotly debated whether or not the Brontosaurus is still a thing.
Playing with a pal is not just board games, backyard soccer, slime, bikes and lemonade stands. It’s actually shoring up your child’s mental health, banking trust and developing security that can be drawn on for years to come.
We cannot be the best versions of ourselves and form the best bonds with our kids if we are completely exhausted. Good sleep is crucial for both parents and children.
Each year, thousands of kids write to Highlights magazine to share their creativity, make suggestions for a new feature or puzzle or seek guidance on a problem they are experiencing.
One blustery November morning on the day before Thanksgiving many years ago found me deep in the preparations for our annual Thanksgiving dinner. As I chopped potatoes and sautéed vegetables, I could feel the warmth of our fireplace in the family room.
What’s better than a coloring book? Coloring pages for kids that also feature Hidden Pictures puzzles!
As soon as young adults step foot on a college campus, they’re flooded with credit card offers. Many sign up for them and immediately max them out. Others might sign up for one and barely use it — avoiding spending money they don’t have.
Try these 6 simple eating tips for raising a real foodie under your roof! Here are simple ways to boost kids’ interest in food, desire for adventure and appreciation for what goes on in the kitchen.
You don’t have to spend big bucks to find fall activities for kids. These 29 ideas are fun, practical, active, creative, inspiring and free (or ridiculously inexpensive).
For those who celebrate, Christmas is a chance to reflect on all the reasons we have to be grateful. But there are other lesser-known days in December that also give kind kids a chance to exercise their empathy.
Looking for some fun this April Fools’ Day? If you have a few jokesters in your house, they’ll love planning each of these April Fools’ pranks and laughing all day long. These April Fools’ jokes are harmless, hilarious and perfect for the whole family!