Gallant Kids: Printable Guide For Kids to Make a Difference
Do you want to help others but aren’t sure where to start? Our Gallant Kid printable is here to help!
Do you want to help others but aren’t sure where to start? Our Gallant Kid printable is here to help!
A first grade assignment encouraging students to write about something they knew well sparked a literary career for Nia Mya Reese.
The internet was made for posts about cats and kids. But it’s also a massive network storing information about all of us, including kids. How should we think about kids’ privacy online?
Kids love Halloween! Scary stuff can be so fun . . . or it can ruin bedtime.
Peyton Anderson, a 10-year-old from Wisconsin, is a champion in and out of the water. When she’s not training for elite swimming competitions, she’s dedicating her time to helping homeless children in Wisconsin and California.
Our award-winning magazines for kids deliver a monthly dose of encouragement, keeping kids of every age inspired and challenged. Help them learn and grow with kids magazines from Highlights!
In 2017, Darius Brown watched the coverage of hurricanes Harvey and Irma and noticed that so many dogs needed help. The disasters displaced the pups, and the dogs overwhelmed animal shelters.
What do you get when you combine sports, creativity and cool? Parkour is a trendy, new way to bring out the best in your kids.
Caring for children is a busy job and we could all use little rest and renewal with some stress-relief activities. Even kids could use a little wind-down time every now and again. But downshifting doesn’t mean that enjoying family and making memories together have to stop.
The magic of the holidays is here! Or it will be, as soon as you can somehow magically summon up ideas for yet. another. list. of gifts for kids.
When your kids are looking for something new to do, introduce them to these high-spirited, old-school outdoor games you played as a kid. Warning: you may not see them for hours! Try these all-time outdoor game faves to keep your kids happy, busy and active.
In this Dear Highlights podcast, Christine French Cully, Highlights Editor-in-Chief, and Hillary Bates, Director of Purpose and Impact, talk with Dr.
With the 2024 election quickly approaching, politics is likely top of mind for most of us right now.
In this “Dear Highlights” podcast, as the war in Ukraine is at the front of many kids’ minds, Editor-in-Chief Christine French Cully and Hillary Bates, Director of Purpose and Impact, talk with Amanda Morgan from Save the Children.
When my son Mickey was in second or third grade, a favorite book of his (and mine) was Roald Dahl’s Revolting Recipes, a cookbook with instructions for making Lickable Wallpaper, Stink Bugs’ Eggs and Peppermint Pencil Erasers.
We don’t have to tell parents of preschoolers that little kids are B-U-S-Y. And while we can’t blame little ones for excitedly exploring the amazing things our world has to offer, this enthusiasm can often be exhausting for us grown-ups.
The flowers are blooming, the sun is shining and the snow boots (hopefully) have seen their last wear of the season. Hurrah for spring!
Highlights has you covered when it comes to New Year’s Eve ideas for children, from games and treats to crafts and STEM projects. Even if the kids don’t make it to midnight, they will have a blast with these kid-friendly New Year’s Eve activities for families.
Got a kid’s bash to plan or a rare day with nothing on the agenda? Vintage games offer little ones a welcome break from apps and videos. Introduce your kids to one or two of these old-time favorites—but eventually show ‘em all.
Here are simple ways to boost kids’ interest in food, desire for adventure and appreciation for what goes on in the kitchen.
When experts talk about executive function, they’re referring to the set of mental abilities that are essential to kids learning at home and in school. Children aren’t born with these mental abilities, but they are pre-wired to develop them.
A car ride with kids can be either the best of times or the worst of times.
These 5 tips will help you feel at ease when cooking with kids, while also helping your child feel at ease shopping for and chopping veggies, measuring ingredients and helping you cook and serve dinner.
Gratitude is the appreciation of good things in our lives and in the world, accompanied by a sense of thankfulness and a desire to express it. Nurturing gratitude helps children develop empathy, resilience, and a positive outlook—skills that benefit them throughout life.
Raising children to be empathetic and kind toward other people — beyond just friends and family members — can feel like a daunting job for many parents.
Got a kid who thinks the grass is always greener in their best friend’s yard? Here's how to help.
Chances are, you’ve got at least one favorite food-based memory from childhood: biting into a freshly baked cookie, slurping a treat from the ice cream truck or going to Grandma’s house for her famous roast chicken.
Easter is just a hop away — so let’s think outside the basket for Easter crafts and games that the whole family will love to play! After the Easter egg hunting ends, there is still plenty of fun to be had with these screen-free activities on Easter Sunday.
Whether you have an hour or a day to devote to getting outside, fresh air and outdoor adventures can lift your whole family’s mood. Entice your kids with fun outdoor activities tied to other interests and they’ll soon be reaping the rewards of muscle-building, stress-relieving, fresh-air fun.
Break out your scissors, glue sticks, and googly eyes! Here’s a list of 31 arts and crafts for kids to make with just a little help from you. Inspired by the Highlights Book of Things to Do!
A curious child is one who loves to learn and relishes the chance to expand their horizons. Here are 11 ways to imbue your child with curiosity.
It’s time to welcome back spring and its flowers, warmer weather and sunshine. It’s also the perfect opportunity to find new spring activities that will get you and your kids outside and off those screens!
As November approaches and election conversations surround us, conversations about politics can be intense. Children are not immune. Kids sometimes write to Highlights to ask for advice about navigating political disagreements with their friends.
Children gain confidence and a sense of meaning when they’re responsible for walking a dog, setting the table, cooking dinner and other daily jobs. When children help with the work of the household, they develop a belief in themselves as capable and effective.
For parents, few school-related things are as painful as seeing your child excluded. You worry that being left out could lead to emotional problems and other consequences down the road. Although you can’t outlaw cliques, there are moves to make to help your child cope.
Even if you, as a child, weren’t taught to “look for the helpers” in times of trouble, you probably have encouraged your own children to do so.
If your kid is captivated by dinosaurs, you likely already know the differences between an Allosaurus and a Diplodocus, and have hotly debated whether or not the Brontosaurus is still a thing.
Playing with a pal is not just board games, backyard soccer, slime, bikes and lemonade stands. It’s actually shoring up your child’s mental health, banking trust and developing security that can be drawn on for years to come.
We cannot be the best versions of ourselves and form the best bonds with our kids if we are completely exhausted. Good sleep is crucial for both parents and children.
Each year, thousands of kids write to Highlights magazine to share their creativity, make suggestions for a new feature or puzzle or seek guidance on a problem they are experiencing.
One blustery November morning on the day before Thanksgiving many years ago found me deep in the preparations for our annual Thanksgiving dinner. As I chopped potatoes and sautéed vegetables, I could feel the warmth of our fireplace in the family room.
What’s better than a coloring book? Coloring pages for kids that also feature Hidden Pictures puzzles!
As soon as young adults step foot on a college campus, they’re flooded with credit card offers. Many sign up for them and immediately max them out. Others might sign up for one and barely use it — avoiding spending money they don’t have.
Try these 6 simple eating tips for raising a real foodie under your roof! Here are simple ways to boost kids’ interest in food, desire for adventure and appreciation for what goes on in the kitchen.
You don’t have to spend big bucks to find fall activities for kids. These 29 ideas are fun, practical, active, creative, inspiring and free (or ridiculously inexpensive).
For those who celebrate, Christmas is a chance to reflect on all the reasons we have to be grateful. But there are other lesser-known days in December that also give kind kids a chance to exercise their empathy.
Looking for some fun this April Fools’ Day? If you have a few jokesters in your house, they’ll love planning each of these April Fools’ pranks and laughing all day long. These April Fools’ jokes are harmless, hilarious and perfect for the whole family!
Optical illusions are fun and educational. Explore the fascinating world of optical illusions for kids, the benefits they offer, and some fun illusions you can try at home. Get ready to be amazed!
Kids need time to prepare emotionally and physically for the first day of school. This back-to-school guide provides 5 tips to help promote school readiness, as well as fun and engaging Highlights products that will set kids up for back-to-school success.
Some days it seems as if mass shootings, toxic spills and natural disasters are making news with alarming frequency. And chances are your school-age child will learn about these shocking global events and tragedies, whether you discuss them at home or not.
The first day of school can be nerve-racking for everyone in the family. Kids are worried about being in a new place if they’ve never attended school before, and older kids might be nervous about making friends.
Few parents want to clean up after their children constantly. Sure, kids make messes and need help from adults — but children as young as 18 months old can learn how to do simple chores and contribute to the household.
Facing a long day with an under-the-weather kiddo? Be prepared with lots of ideas to stay busy, yet quiet enough to heal. Whether your kiddo is fighting a fever, on the rebound from a stomach bug or just too stuffed up to go to school, it’s no fun being stuck at home.
Are your kids having another “I’m bored!” moment? At Highlights, we understand that it can be hard to think of things to do when your kids as bored. Alas, look no further than this list of more than 40 creative things to do when bored at home.
Kids love to color, create and imagine. And yet, too often as they get older, they lose some of that creative spirit. Here are 11 ways to encourage your child to keep that creative spark alive and strong.
Even before they invent spelling based on sounds, preschoolers are starting to grasp rules about how letters go together to form words.
Get the spooky season started by scaring up a few giggles with these frightfully funny Halloween jokes for kids. With 31 candy-corny puns, spook-tacular one-liners and mummy jokes, you’ll have something to lift everyone’s Halloween spirit.
Kids are exceptionally active thinkers. From an early age, they’re flexing and stretching their mental muscles in order to learn and explore. It’s important to support and challenge them to grow their intellect and to follow their curiosity.
Whoever says that if something tastes good it’s bad for you hasn’t tried one of these.
Prep time: 15 minutes
Baking time: 15 minutes
Total time: 30 minutes
Makes: 12 doughnuts
What Kids Learn
Does your kiddo want to be an Olympian? Cue the Olympic theme music and get started on these kid-friendly Olympic crafts and Olympic activities to bring the action straight into your home!
Whether you want to get your family excited for Thanksgiving or have downtime before the celebrating begins, your kids are sure to enjoy these adorable turkey crafts!
Would you like your future citizens of the world to serve their community, do good deeds and feel compassion for others? Here are 21 community service ideas to help kids learn how to give back. Give these child-tested philanthropic activities a try.
‘Tis the season to be jolly, and what better way to get into the Christmas spirit than spreading some joy and giggles with fun and festive jokes. These Christmas jokes for kids are tree-mendous and will have everyone laughing all the way through the ha-ha-holidays.
Dear Highlights,
Looking for a stack of great ideas to make the most of the long weekend, with meals, games, activities and crafts to keep the family busy and happy for 3 straight days? Look no further. We’ve done the research and found 11 novel ways to boost the fun and excitement of the Memorial Day weekend.
“A total solar eclipse plucks a chord deep in the human mind,” writes Highlights Science Editor Andy Boyles in the 2024 April issue of Highlights.
Balloons and boxes can turn your yard into a golf course for kids of all ages. Kids tee off from the start and try to land a balloon in each box. Each hit of the balloon is a stroke. How many strokes will it take to finish each hole?
When I was growing up, my mother used to load up a picnic hamper and put whoever was the baby at the time into the buggy, and we’d walk to the park in a caravan, the older of the 11 kids holding younger ones’ hands.
Spend family time together this Hanukkah with these crafty ideas! Encourage your kids to make one craft each day of Hanukkah or make all the crafts in advance to enjoy them for all 8 days!
It's important for adults to nurture children’s creativity, respect and identify it, listen to it and encourage it. Here's an age-by-age guide for how to support your innately creative child.
Get little fingers moving, wiggling and reaching with this finger twist game. Kids spin the two spinners and move their fingers as directed. The player who keeps their fingers down the longest wins.
Make this new school year the best year yet with these fun organizational back-to-school crafts!
Arts and crafts are a great way to bond with your child and foster developmental skills. To help your kids learn art, rustle up some supplies and start designing.
Here are just some of the developmental skills your preschooler learns while working on crafts:
It is a universal truth: Mornings are hard. When the ticking clock meets with tired people, lost shoes, smelly lunch boxes and unsigned reading logs, it often makes for a not-so-pleasant goodbye, which makes the rest of the day feel a little off.
What can you do with a house full of kids when all you have handy are leftover scraps from earlier projects? The answer: plenty—if you’ve stashed some basic items.
In this episode of the "Dear Highlights" podcast, Christine French Cully, Editor-in-Chief, and Hillary Bates, Director of Purpose and Impact, are joined by Highlights CEO Kent Johnson.
Have your young scientists explore the natural world by making their own tiny salt crystals with water and table salt. Using a magnifying glass makes a huge difference because it allows kids to get a better look at the salt crystals.
Help your kids get in the spirit of the game of basketball by making this mini basketball hoop and ball launcher. Transform cardboard into a backboard and hoop. Then bring on the clutch combo: the paper cup and the balloon.
Here’s a fun way for kids to ride out a rainy day – a rainy day craft! Let would-be artists paint up a storm and display their painting craft.
Costumes like these easy-to-make cowboy boots and hat are perfect for when your kid can’t decide what to dress up as for Halloween or when you realize the costume parade is a week earlier than you thought. Grab a paper plate and some paper bags.
Kids can do most of the work, spreading the cream cheese on the apple slices and putting on the marshmallows. Take some silly photos with your new smiles and send them to a friend for a good laugh.
Double trouble, boil and bubble—things are looking spooky! It’s the perfect time to stir up some green goo. This science experiment is disguised as fun as kids learn to measure and predict an outcome. Beware! Things might get messy! Wear plastic gloves to handle the slime.
Ahoy, matey! How many fish will you catch today? This fun fishing activity requires little setup and can easily be adapted to include several children. It also builds kids’ hand-eye coordination as they use the pole to pick up fish.
Once you’ve made the dice, this easy game can be played for just a few minutes or repeated over and over. It challenges your kids to be creative little actors (even show off a bit), follow directions and take turns.
A little soap and water goes a long, fun way for kids to use their craft skills, their imaginations and their science smarts—all at the same time. So bubble up outdoors and observe how these light-as-air spheres behave!
The warmth and good smells, the love that goes into preparing a meal and sharing at the table make memories that can last a lifetime. The kitchen is the heart of the home—but it’s a secret classroom, too.
What’s a tea party without these classic shortbread cookies? They’re a snap to make and so buttery they practically melt in your mouth. And remember: The freshest ingredients make the best-tasting cookies.
These lunch box note printables are sure to put a smile on your child’s face in the lunchroom or anywhere they are eating on the go.
Ahoy, buccaneers! Send your kids on an imaginary journey to find a hidden treasure. Have them envision the trip and that final reward. Draw it on paper. They’ll think it’s fun to be in charge of a mystery!
Challenge your kids to throw with focus as they play this DIY tabletop game. Get them started by making their own game pieces. Then put the game on the table and start tossing the horseshoes.
Altruistic deeds are always a big deal—why not start at home? The list below is packed with thoughtful and clever kind gestures. Try one to two each day to foster caring and compassion in your family.
Organize these Olympic-like events at home so your kids can compete like the pros.
Coronation day in England is a special day when a new king or queen is crowned. This ceremony has been an important part of English history for hundreds of years. During the ceremony, the new monarch is crowned with a special crown, and they swear an oath to serve their country and its people.
Handwriting is so much more than just being about to write a sentence or your name. Here are 7 reasons why handwriting is key to academic and personal success.
Who wouldn’t want to swirl their fingers in some shaving cream? This simple, easy-to-assemble activity is just right for little hands and perfect for playtime.
Why buy craft kits when your little ones can whip up the cutest stuff ever—right now, at home, with cardboard rolls you have in the house!
This Dear Highlights podcast discusses navigating friendships, both the fun and the challenging. Highlights receives more mail about friendship, a vital part of a kid’s social-emotional development, than any other subject.
Collecting and exploring rocks teaches toddlers, preschoolers and elementary age kids a host of things from focus to creativity to building a foundation in STEAM concepts.
Kids write to Highlights to tell us how they feel about their bodies. And the news is not good. When most adults are also unhappy with their bodies, how can we help kids to relate to their bodies, and to food, in a positive way?
Got a big-personality child who thinks he knows more than anyone else in the family? Learn what to do from our panel of experts:
As kids grow, they acquire new skills that need to be practiced. Puzzles provide enjoyable ways for kids to build their emerging skills. With puzzles, the goal is clear and the feedback is immediate–a puzzle piece either fits or doesn't.
Don’t be afraid to let your kids get a little wild with rough-and-tumble play. A little horseplay helps them grow!
For many adults, making mud is not a clear winner. It's so common (and understandable) to ask, "Making mud? Is it really worth the mess?"
Little kids are always learning, and playtime is no exception. As they interact with each other during play, young children are building important social skills.
Christine French Cully, Highlights Editor-in-Chief, and Hillary Bates, Director of Purpose and Impact, sit down with Dr. Emily Oster, an economist at Brown University, to discuss how to understand data to improve decision making for parents.
Does your kid seem to want everything delivered on a silver platter? Learn how to identify entitled behavior from our panel of experts:
Whether going off to school for the first time or starting another year, experts agree that a child who feels capable and secure is set up for school success.
For 75 years, Highlights magazine has received thousands of letters and email from kids every year, and we answer every single one. “Dear Highlights” has always served as a way to help ease children’s concerns and help encourage them to become their best selves.
In this “Dear Highlights” podcast Editor-in-Chief Christine French Cully and her guest, educational psychologist Michele Borba, EdD, discuss how the pandemic has affected children as thei
Ready to host an epic sleepover? Just gather your kid’s best buds, serve pizza or breakfast at midnight and let them have a ball testing their creativity and skills before they go to bed.
Location: Your kid’s favorite mall
Kids love to imagine what could be – like traveling to mystical lands or exploring the furthest reaches of our universe.
Some arts and crafts require kids to follow step-by-step directions — but there’s more than one way to get creative! Sometimes the best way to encourage kids to explore self-expression is to offer up crafts that have endless possibilities and let them use their own ideas to make a masterpiece.
Raising a reader in an increasingly screen-filled world can seem like an impossible and, sometimes, unnecessary or obsolete pursuit. But don’t give up: Reading will always be a timeless pleasure and the foundation of all learning.
A balanced and nutritious diet is crucial for a child’s wellness. What should parents do when their child is a picky eater? How can moms and dads make sure their picky eaters stay healthy and get enough to eat?
Setting up a pretend camp-out is a great play project to teach toddlers, preschoolers and elementary age kids a host of things from creativity to critical thinking to connection with the outdoors.
From the time they’re born, babies are driven by an overwhelming (and, OK, self-centered) desire to eat, cry, coo, giggle, roll over, stare (at you) and swipe at anything that looks remotely appealing.
It’s a me-first existence—but one that will change.
When your sassy child hollers, “Quit it, Mom!” (or worse), your first instinct may be to shut that behavior down immediately. After all, you want your child to develop good manners and to demonstrate respect to those around them.
Few parents have heard the term “school refusal,” but many families are experiencing it. In fact, since the pandemic, it’s a big problem. Missing a lot of school causes cognitive–academic, social and behavioral deficits for students.
What better way to spend a summer afternoon than playing outside with your kids? We've compiled 15 family-friendly games for you to try. We're sure you'll find a few faves your family will want to play again and again.
Start your summer fun with the 15 games below!
Hanh Bui fled her homeland of Vietnam as a child. She remembers the challenges of arriving in a new country, with new customs, language and expectations.
Small talk is a big deal. Although we usually dismiss small talk as chatter about topics that seem unimportant, kids need to know how to strike up, and hold, a conversation with you, friends, family and teachers, as well as bosses and colleagues down the road.
It’s no surprise preschool kids develop an intense interest in a particular type of play (dress-up), a concept (knock-knock jokes) or an object (insert your kid’s fixation here).
Taking a nighttime moon walk is a great family activity to engage kids' senses and help toddlers, preschoolers and elementary age kids connect with nature.
Parents Trent and Carly Shepherd join Christine French Cully, Highlights’ Editor-in-Chief, and Hillary Bates, Director of Purpose and Impact, on the Dear Highlights podcast to share more about a major lifestyle chang
In this “Dear Highlights” episode, Christine French Cully, Highlight’s Editor in Chief, and Hillary Bates, Director of Purpose and Impact, welcome back parenting educator Jennifer Miller to talk about social aggressi
Father’s Day is the perfect holiday to spoil the amazing dads and father figures in our kids’ lives. Instead of just wrapping up a few gifts, why not plan a day full of activities that Dad and the kids will love?
The word on the street for many parents of school-aged kids is that kindergarten is the new first grade. It’s no secret that kindergarten today is much more academically rigorous than kindergarten used to be, with less play and longer hours.
It’s probably not an overstatement to say that kids (and grown-ups) have been infatuated with space since the beginning of time. And, lucky for the current generation, today’s options for engaging in planetary playtime extend well beyond telescopes and Space Invaders.
Halloween fun does not have to end just because the sun goes down. You just need a little glow to keep your Halloween activities and crafts going. We’ve rounded up the best glow-in-the-dark party ideas to throw a Halloween bash where you will receive glowing reviews.
In this “Dear Highlights” episode, Christine French Cully, Editor-in-Chief, and Hillary Bates, Director of Purpose and Impact, talk with Nelba Marquez-Greene, founder of the
Go ahead and teach your kid to recycle plastic bottles. But grab those plastic bottle caps and use them to make these terrific crafts!
Because: Kids will love making their own game-room essentials.
What You'll Need:
Crafts for kids are skill-building, creative and just plain fun. We talked to art educators to find out the most important craft supplies you should keep on hand at home so your kids are ready to create, explore and imagine any time they want.
The best backyards have a few things in common: they offer kids a place to explore, experiment, run, jump, learn and collaborate in a safe, familiar environment. The best part: it’s easy and inexpensive to create a backyard space that’s exciting and fun for your child.
Reading is a crucial skill that opens up a world of learning. But not everybody reads: The Literacy Project estimates that only 35% of all public school fourth graders in the United States are proficient readers.
Every 4 years or so, February has 29 days instead of 28 so that our calendar year stays in sync with the solar year — that is, the amount of time it takes Earth to make a trip around the sun.
Give your child a chance to boost summer learning and create some excitement when school’s not in session. Encourage your kids to be creative by choosing a weird or out-of-the-box place to read, like in a tub without water or on a seasaw on the ground (yes, really!).
There is no perfect formula or kindergarten readiness checklist to follow, but understanding what kids learn in kindergarten, what they do during their day, and how early childhood learning happens can help parents decide if it is the right time to enroll.
There’s no question that it’s important for your kiddos to keep moving. Research has shown the huge benefits of exercising: children who exercise daily are more likely to be physically, mentally and emotionally healthier than their peers who do not.
Self-sufficient children tend to have greater self-esteem, are better able to manage frustration and are less dependent on others, experts say. Check out the following entry-level self-care skills for preschool and grade-school youngsters that can set your child on a self-care path today!
Brown-bag lunches are a breeze to make—and even more fun when kids help prepare them. Give your gang the small tasks, and for an added treat, let them personalize their lunch bags.
For many parents, a child talking back or being rude is met with immediate anger or sternness—perhaps an instinctual response from their own upbringing or beliefs about respecting our elders.
Sand and sun – here you come! You’ve got your beach trip booked and are already dreaming of blue skies and boardwalks. BUT – you’ve still got your to-do list standing between you and the soothing sound of lapping waves.
It may be hard to fathom, but children as young as age 8 can have suicidal thoughts, and many parents don’t know when their children are in crisis. In this week’s “Dear Highlights” podcast, our host Christine French Cully, talks with Dr.
Asian Pacific American Heritage Month is a very important time for me and my children. When my kids were little, I often asked them, “Where are GongGong (grandpa) and PoPo (grandma) from? Where is MaMa from?”
From the huge family Christmas parties my parents hosted when I was growing up to the icing cookies that have been THE holiday cookie of choice since I can remember to the glow of Christmas lights and decorations, I love the Christmas holiday season.
Let’s be honest: Parenting isn’t all sweet birth announcements and adorable family photos. Being a parent means being there for those messy moments in between — like midnight bed wetting, toddler meltdowns and pre-teen attitudes.
As we all know, family game night is an easy way for parents and kids to reconnect and have fun after a long week of school and work. Yet, once we’ve played our way through our closet full of puzzles and board games, it’s even easier to let the event fall by the wayside.
When you volunteer as a family, you give kids an up close and personal way to observe life’s complexities and to see how the world looks from another perspective. Here's how to get involved and enjoy volunteering together.
True or false: Teaching good manners should begin when your children are babies.
True. The ways parents and babies relate to each other, such as by playing games and eating together, lead to developmentally appropriate group behavior, also known as good manners.
Pumpkin carving is a fall tradition that really gets the kids in the spirit of Halloween. But are you worried about the dangers of your little one carving a pumpkin? Check out this roundup of creative no-carve decorative pumpkin ideas that will keep Halloween fun and spooky and safe!
Start off summer fun strong with these cool sure-to-please summer activities.
Start a new holiday tradition with this Hidden Pictures “Silly Wish List” printable!
Make little (and big!) hearts happy with these Valentine’s Day crafts for kids! Simple enough for kids to make on their own, and fun enough for grown-ups to join in, these crafts use basic supplies you can easily find at home.
Kids stuck inside with nothing to do? Try these 11 "boredom busters" to up the family fun factor.
While there’s no single childhood trait that guarantees a happy, healthy adulthood, scientists increasingly believe that kids who possess self-control may have a leg up on the competition.